In the bustling city of London, where the urban landscape meets the beauty of nature, there's no shortage of exciting activities to stay fit and connected with the environment. At gngr bees, we believe that fitness and sustainability go hand in hand, and that's why we're here to guide you through the best hot girl walking routes in our hometown - all while treading lightly on our planet.


1. Thames River Stroll

Our first stop takes us along the iconic River Thames, a route that promises both scenic beauty and an energising walk. Starting from Putney Bridge and making your way to the majestic Tower Bridge, this lengthy stroll offers refreshing breezes that invigorate your senses as you move along the river's edge. Spot Westminster and Big Ben en route!


2. Regent's Park Loop

For nature lovers, the Regent's Park Loop provides a tranquil escape right in the heart of the city. Put on your gngr bees sustainable activewear and embark on a lap around this picturesque park. At every turn, you'll be greeted by lush greenery and vibrant gardens, creating a soothing ambiance that allows you to connect harmoniously with nature. 


3. Hampstead Heath Hike

Hampstead is a beautiful area of North London - and if you're up for a more adventurous challenge, the Hampstead Heath Hike is the perfect choice. This stunning green expanse boasts an array of walking trails that cater to different skill levels. As you ascend to Parliament Hill, a breathtaking panoramic view of the city awaits you. If you fancy a challenge, try running up this hill! We recommend our sports bra for excellent support. 


Whether you're strolling along the Thames, exploring Regent's Park, or hiking through Hampstead Heath, getting outside and hitting the pavement with purpose is the main goal.

August 10, 2023

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