When GNGR Bees came to life, we knew it wasn’t going to be an easy journey. There was much to be redefined in how fashion (and other products) are produced and consumed and simply manufacturing our products better than others was not good enough
In this journey, we have discovered endless possibilities and met incredible people whose passions and values align with ours and so, partnerships have become an essential part of the work we do. Recognising that we, alone, are not able to change the world, and that it takes everyone, together, to do so is how we create and achieve more.
For most - a foundation is a way to “off set” unsustainable practices they may carry through their companies or to buy social credit and look better in the eyes of the public. At GNGR Bees, the empowerment and support we give to the world and all around us is entrenched in the very essence of what we do. Everything is created for a purpose and is dedicated to empower projects, causes and communities.
Learn more about the projects we have created and the incredible organisations and people we support:

The nursery project is tied up to our carbon collection. It supports the plantation of trees to promote reforestation and resto- ration of biodiversity in areas around Nuku’alofa, in Tonga, as well as the development of a community garden created to promote food security in the community.
There are many factors that made us decide to create this project. Trees are of extreme importance to our planet as they act like “vacuums” - they are seen as carbon sinks, absorbing carbon dioxide through their leaves and releasing back clean oxygen into the atmosphere, reducing the effects of climate change. With that being said, our aim is not only to put trees on the ground, but to truly rehabilitate the ecosystem so we can see both fauna and flora thrive together.
As part of this project, we support two things: native trees (cedar tree, frangipani, heilala, pandanus palms) nursed and then transferred to areas needing rehabilitation and native fruit trees (such as mangoes, coconut palms, breadfruit trees & banana trees) as well as vegetables grown in a small garden that are given to the community for food security.
Tonga is a small but beautiful island in the Pacific whose habitants are nothing but an absolute joy to be around and ex- tremely welcoming. The population consists of mostly subsistent farmers however their food, land and diet has seen a big shift since other countries started exporting tinned food to the country (mutton flaps) which greatly contributed to obesity, and their land often gets cleared for agriculture settlement.
This project was launched in July 2020 with the support of two people, Pita Faiva Taufatofua, who is an Agricultural sci- entist, and Nili Tui’pulotu a farmer that uses different types of organic agriculture methods and incorporates waste into his creations (a man after our own heart!).
Pita is not only the best person to carry assessment on land but also has extensive knowledge of the best environmental practices and how to best rehabilitate the ecosystem. Together with Nili, who works on the fruit crops and has kindly do- nated a space on his farm to cater for our fruit seedlings, they work to source, plant and identify land to carry this project forward as well as manage how the fruit and vegetables are distributed to the community.